As written in the introduction, deep knowledge of how exceptions work is critical to developing in Java.  At the simplest of levels, here is how exceptions work:

1) An exceptional condition is detected in a block of code.  The code throws an exception:

    File file = new File(filename);
    if (!file.exists())
        throw new IOException(“File does not exist” + filename);
catch (IOException e)

2) Normal program flow is modified – execution does not continue at the same location.

3) If a try {..} catch(..) block is around the code (or around the call to the function) execution will continue where the exception is caught.

    File file = new File(filename);
    if (!file.exists())
        throw new IOException(“File does not exist” + filename);
catch (IOException e)

4) Normally the catching block of code handles the exception elegantly.

catch (IOException e)
    // There is a chance we parsed the XML OK last time so restore it
    xmlRoot = lastXmlRoot;

Having caught the exception, the block of code can also decide not to deal with the exception at all, and rethrow it to be caught elsewhere.

catch (IOException e)
    // There is a chance we previously parsed the XML so restore it
    xmlRoot = lastXmlRoot;
catch (XmlParseException e)
    // let the framework deal with it
    throw e;

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