A few simple suggestions:
Suggestion |
Examples |
Variables use 'Camel Case' - start with lower case, and subsequent each word's first letter is in upper case. |
sapUserSession |
Acronyms should be treated as words like any other. Use Ok instead of OK, Url instead of URL etc. |
isOk soapClient htmlFormatter viewDocumentUrl |
Don't use 'a' or 'the' or other letters to prefix variable names to indicate the type of contents it refers to. (Hungarian Notation). |
aSurname, theInvoice, hWnd, bOpen, pData, nSize, lpszFile |
Define fixed values in upper case with each word separated by an underscore |
public static final int MAX_CLIENTS = 10; |
Acronyms like TCP/IP are treated as words, so no need to always put them in upper case. |
clientTcpipConnection. |