If a temporary variable spans more than two or three lines, consider if it should be given something more specific than 'temp'.  eg tempTotal or total.

For example:

public Amount calculateTotalIncludingTax() throws Exception
    Amount temp = new Amount();
    if (temp.isZero())
        // this year is same as last year increased by default %
    return temp;

If the temp variable was changed to give more detail, readability is enhanced:

public Amount calculateTotalIncludingTax() throws Exception
    Amount total = new Amount();
    if (total.isZero())
        // this year is same as last year increased by default %
    return total;

Tip: Note the use of the variable called 'total' instead of a more descriptive name.  The method is small, simple and well named so there is no chance the developer will be confused about what kind of total it is.

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