The containsKey(Object key) method on a Map need only be used when it is not intended to try and retrieve a value from the map. If key is not in the collection, a get call will return null anyway.
if (mobileRenderingProfiles.containsKey(userAgent))
profile = mobileRenderingProfiles.get(userAgent);
In the above example, the mobileRenderingProfiles map is massive, so the containsKey( ) call may take a non-trivial amount of time to find the data it seeks.
Yet, it is followed almost immediately by a get( ) call, which will do an almost identical search to find the same item in the map.
A better way would be as below.
MobileRenderingProfile profile = mobileRenderingProfiles.get(userAgent);
if (profile != null)
Thus an additional lookup in the map is saved and the code is a little simpler.