Describe what a collection contains where it is defined, not what kind of collection it is.  It will save looking at the code.  


private Map map = new HashMap();
Collection c = (new Order()).findByCriteria(criteria); 
for (Iterator i=c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )  
    Order item = (Order);

Better to read:

// [String filename] => FileData
private Map parsedFiles = new HashMap();  

Collection orders = (new Order()).findByCriteria(criteria); 
for (Iterator i=orders.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )  
    Order order = (Order);


Tip: It is recommended to use 'i' for the iterator name, especially when the collection is named appropriately.  “orderIterator” would be excessively wordy, and 'i' is a widely embraced name to use for the iterator variable in many languages.  Or if a Java 1.5 delivery is permitted, dispense with the iterator altogether and use a generic loop (see the [java15] chapter).

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